Reenchanting Hope: Advent 2024
As we explore the Advent story, we're reminded of the supernatural nature of Jesus' birth and its profound implications for our faith. The narrative in Matthew 1:18-23 is filled with miraculous events that challenge our modern, materialistic worldview. Yet, this supernatural aspect isn't something to shy away from—it's central to the hope we have in Christ. Jesus' birth wasn't just about individual forgiveness; it was an invasion, the inauguration of God's kingdom on earth. This cosmic event, as depicted in Revelation 12, involves spiritual warfare and the defeat of evil powers. As believers, we're called to recognize this spiritual reality and live in light of it. Our hope in Christ should lead us to purify ourselves, aligning our lives with His kingdom values. This Christmas season, let's embrace the full, supernatural wonder of Christ's coming and allow it to transform how we view our world and live our lives.